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Textbooks and The First Foray Into the Law

The law, to me, feels vast. It is a vast virtually endless source of knowledge that is hidden from the majority of people's lives. On the rare occasion it does cross them, it is merely used as a vehicle in a narrow, single minded way. Whereby the formula is applied in either defence or prosecution and the case is either won or lost. Most people then return to their lives, safely knowing right and wrong, feeling like they know the law but never understanding it. I will confess even before I start my degree that I am ever likely to truly understand every part of the law. Some of it is just too vast and requires too much study to fully understand and interpret correctly. I am likely to understand some bits in depth and others with a mere surface level understanding. However, I think much of being an individual is that lack of "full" knowledge and the reason we interact is so our interweaving specialisms can come together as a whole our community (on whatever scale you choo

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